Hey peeps!
So today I am gong to be selling and talking about sugar Glider food.
Basic Food Needs For a Sugar Glider
Now as you guys may need to know sugar gliders daily diet consists of fruits, vegetables, protein, pellet and water. Now the main diet for these adorable pocket pets would be the pellets. Now a lot of food manufacturer have been trying to make a fusion of the pellets with protein dietary needs for the glider's daily food consummation. So if i were to give a ratio 65% intake of pellets, 25% intake of fluid/liquid, 5% intake of protein and 10% intake fruits and vegetables.
Calcium & Multivitamin
Now the list of the above food is not the only basic needs for a sugar glider. Their diet also must consists of calcium and multivitamin. Even though the fruits and vegetables has already given the gliders the vitamins and calcium but it is not sufficient enough for your sugar glider as you never know how these farmers grow their fruits and vegetables. Because of that food manufacturers have also produced a lot of supplements for these sugar gliders. So that their health are kept in check.
Veterinary Calcium & Multivitamin
However I do not purchase my calcium and multivitamin in pet store but rather I purchase them through an exotic veterinary doctor that charges me about RM!0.00 to RM15.00 depending on the size of the bottle. I have to say that the calcium and multivitamin that this veterinary sells is so far the best and has helped me go through all the ailments that my gliders have faced.
If you wish to purchase this calcium and multivitamin, you could place an order by sending an e-mail to SuggiesIsMyLife@gmail.com or leave a comment.
P.S: I would post the size of the multivitamin and calcium soon. with the price that goes with it.
Bugsy Happy Glider: Chicken Protein
So for the best product that has landed in Malaysia would have to be the Bugsy Happy Glider. This product is a fusion of pellet with chicken which means it saves you up to RM10.00 a week if you were to buy the chopped up chicken for your glider. It comes in two different sizes which is 160ml and 350ml.
The prices are as follows:
160ml - RM25.00
350ml- RM50.00
So, as usual if you wish to order any of these products just place an order to SuggisIsMyLife@gmail.com or just leave a comment.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Sugar Glider's Seeking Hut/ Sleeping Nest.
Hey there, so yeah I am going to be selling sugar glider products and needs for the Malaysian Peninsular and as well for Singapore, it can be either delivered by post and if you are near to my area, I can send you by car.
So my first product will be a Seeking Hut/ Sleeping Nest. Now this is one of my sugar gliders favorites sleeping place. Yes, I know that any sleeping place would suffice but this seeking hut would make your sugar glider very happy as it comes in three different layers for your sugar gliders to play with and sleep in. Here is an example of a seeking hut.
So my first product will be a Seeking Hut/ Sleeping Nest. Now this is one of my sugar gliders favorites sleeping place. Yes, I know that any sleeping place would suffice but this seeking hut would make your sugar glider very happy as it comes in three different layers for your sugar gliders to play with and sleep in. Here is an example of a seeking hut.
A seeking hut would cost around RM30.00 each. Delivery will be charged depending on your place.
If you wish to order one just e-mail me at SuggiesIsMyLife@gmail.com or just leave a comment.
They come in 4 different colors:
So hope to hear from you guys soon!
What is the right bonding pouch for me?
Hey guys!
Now like I promised, I will be talking about this topic which is What is the right bonding pouch for me? Bonding pouches as you know or may need to know, they come in many different sizes depending on your needs and basically that is what you’ll mostly need to know. Which is, what size is right to be made as your bonding pouch.
What size is right for me?
Breeder’s free gift a.k.a average size/length bonding pouch..
So heads up, most breeders will give you a free bonding pouch when you purchase either a baby glider or two baby gliders with a cage. Normally, the bonding pouch you will receive when given by a breeder would be the size of an average length bonding pouch.
When you receive this size for a bonding pouch, its better to just stick with what has been given. There will be no less affects to the bonding process between you and your baby glider but neither will it make it faster. An average size, bonding is usually used for a bigger glider or for those who have bonded with their gliders.
Having a longer length than a smaller bonding pouch, the chances of you scaring your baby glider when you are going to retrieve from the bonding pouch is about 60%. But then again, don’t be alarmed its normal. They usually will be accustomed to you sooner.
However, if you are given a choice on whether you could choose a smaller bonding pouch or an average bonding pouch then personally, for those who just adopted a baby glider its better on buying or getting a smaller size bonding pouch. But, for those who already have and bonded with their glider or have a much bigger glider than it is advisable to get the average length bonding pouch.
Small length bonding pouch.
A small bonding pouch is much more preferable to those who just adopted their baby glider. Having built to suit a new owner requirement of fastening the bonding process. Now most people will argue and say that a bonding pouch’s size has nothing to do with fastening the bonding process. Here, I stand to correct that very statement.
Now, imagine you are the glider, who was comfortably living with its mom, dad and siblings, where out of a sudden you were taken away from them and was put into a hands of a stranger with a different smell that you are not accustom too. So, of course you would freak out, right? See this is one of the situations you want to lessen not gain.
When putting your glider into the bonding pouch, your glider would feel safe from you and the new scary outside world, where out of a sudden five big poles are suddenly reaching down from their safe home and trying to get you with the addition of a scary glaring light emitting from the outside world. This will absolutely scare your glider.
Now, what I am trying to say is that, you can scare a new glider easily when you can actually avoid such problems. By buying a smaller bonding pouch your estimated time of reaching and struggling less with your baby will decrease which ultimately will help you with your bonding process.
A big length bonding pouch.
A big length bonding pouch is somewhat more suitable for those who are traveling with your gliders for long hours in a day. It’s true that these adorable animals are named for being pocket sized and don’t fuss in the daytime as long as they get their slumber but the actual fact it’s quite wrong.
Sugar gliders love to stretch especially when it comes to long hours of sleep. Now imagine you waking up from a long hours of sleep and having to wake to a cramp up room, it is just plain uncomfortable now, isn’t? So providing your glider a nice cosy place to sleep is much more preferable than cramping them up when they are asleep.
So that’s about it for now, sorry for the late update, it’s been a hectic week for me. Hope you guys find this helpful. Now if you want any help or want me to talk about a certain topic or even questions just leave a comment or e-mail me at SuggiesIsMyLife@gmail.com. See you next time!
Bonding Pouch
Hey guys!
Okay for this entry as stated above I will be talking about bonding pouches. Now what are bonding pouches? What are they used for? Are they necessary? How much is the price? And what is the right bonding pouch for me?
Now these are the most frequent question I get from my friends who are newbies at owning a sugar glider and don’t know where to go when they are lost but only to me. So I hope this topic will help you put your mind to ease.
Bonding pouches are actually like a small bag with a fish or hard net at the front of its bag for the breathing of your sugar glider. They come in many different variations, colours and even sizes depending on your needs and fashion taste. They are the most basic requirements you need when owning a sugar glider.
Well bonding pouches are, obviously from its name, bags that help you bond faster with your new baby glider. But not only that, they are also used to carry your gliders either around your home or even outside. They come in handy especially when your gliders need your attention and affection.
Yes, they are very necessary for you and your glider especially if you are new at owning one. Gliders need the scent of their mom and dad, in order to let them know that you are their protector and saviour, not a wandering predator on the loose and about to eat them. Rather the bonding pouch always allows your baby to hear and know your heartbeat and also your scent which then makes them more accustom to you.
Bonding pouch cost depends on what type, size and where you purchase your pouches. However usually in Malaysia, a bonding pouch can cost about RM15 to RM50. The most expensive pouch would cost around RM80 and that is very rare. However do not be alarmed usually when you purchase a new baby glider and a cage to go with it usually a breeder will give a free bonding pouch for your first time experience. From there its up to you whether you wish to buy a more expensive bonding pouch or not.
Well this is a sub-topic that requires its own paragraph. So for this one I will talk about it on my next entry, okay. As you may know or need to know, bonding pouches comes in many sizes and form even shapes. So I need to make this topic a bit more detailed.
So until then, I’ll talk to you guys soon. Take care. Any questions or requests just send in a comment or message or even e-mail to me SuggiesIsMyLife@gmail.com. Buh-bye!
Milk Suggestion for Suggies
Hey its me again!
Okay so, on this entry i am going to talk about is milk, the necessity of giving milk and also what type of milk is suitable for your glider.
So, milk. Now from my first blog I already mention on the requirement for a baby suggie especially at a tender age of 2 months they would probably require milk. Now people will debate that sugar gliders are for a fact lactose and tolerant. I am here stating that I totally agree with this factual accusation however not all milk are actual harmful milk to gliders.
There are many types of milk that are safe for your suggies, just like me I feed my suggies milk every single day for the last 4 months and they are happy living their life with drinking milk.
Now like I have said for a few times now it depends thoroughly on your glider some will not require and some will. Depending on your suggies age or adaptment. From personal experient my suggies required milk at even the age of 2 1/2 months. But they are many substitutes for milk such as gliderade, apple juice and etc.
Milk actually gives energy to your gliider and helps it strengthens up. Don’t be alarmed if your glider is not showing any appetite right after drinking milk, its not that it doesn’t want to eat but more likely it is full. Milk has a tendency to fill up the gliders tummy. Now if your glider is sick or not well, giving milk from my experience is a must because usually giving milk especially Ensure really boost up their appetite at times and drinking milk will probably be a better idea because they will consume it. Definately.
Okay, on what type of milk, i’m going to suggest the milk that I have been using which is COMPLETE NUTRITION ENSURE with FOS. Now this milk has been a god given gift to me this milk literally helped me go through a lot of pain and suffering with healing my suggies. This milk contains NO FAT, LACTOSE AND TOLERANT FREE, PROTEIN and even VITAMINS.
Now there are many variations on milk but the only thing you need to search is probably anything that says lactose free and contains protein. Usually there are some types of baby milk that contains such requirements however I never actually found them. Anyhow to make things easier there are milk called the WAMBAROO MILK REPLACER. now this is a much easier milk because it is formulated for sugar gliders however it is quite dificult to find them in Malaysia.
So a container of 400g of COMPLETE NUTRITION ENSURE with FOS costs around RM34.40 from the AA farmacy.
FYI: when buying the Ensure milk make sure the flavor is Vanilla not chocolate or anything else.
So that’s about it for this entry. If you would like me to talk about any type of topic regarding how I look and play with my suggies just send a comment or message or even an e-mail at SuggiesIsMyLife@gmail.com.
Bonding and Warmth
Bonding and warmth.
The first thing I did to bond faster with my suggie was that I cut a piece of fabric from my sleeping attire that I have worn a day before hand and wrapt my baby suggie in it. Now, when I bought Chloe she was about 2 1/2 months old oop (out of pouch). Now it is very crucial for all glider owner to know on how old you adopt your baby glider. Because at a tender age of 2 months a baby glider still needs or require warmth and even possibly milk depending on how much your breeder has adapted your baby glider to the surrounding. But on this topic I’ll be talking about warmth, now when it comes to warmth the only thing you need to know is temperature, you need to play with temperature regarding your sugar glider. Now do not ever ever in a million years buy a heating rod for your baby glider because it will possibly hurt your baby or even worst kill it. The right temperature that a baby glider will need is about the same heat as your body temperature so holding them in your hands or laying your hand in the bonding pouch is much welcome by any glider because of the heat and it also fastens up the bonding process. So if you have trouble in how to keep the warmth when you are not around, you could use a rubber glove or preferably for me is a small bottle like the size of your cough drop medicine bottle and fill with hot water depending on the temperature. Now when tempting to temp your temperature the key is to always remember what ever you feel or taste it will give a triple times affect to your glider so if you think its warm remember that that warmth is tripled so be careful but then again don’t make it to cold, just right. If you want to have a simpler way you could always buy a pocket hand warmer which is perfect for your glider.
So i will post some more regarding milk next and if you have any comments please leave a message or comment at either here or at my e-mail account which is SuggiesIsMyLife@gmail.com and I will immediately respond. For those who live around the Malaysian Peninsular and require to know an exotic doctor send me a message and I’ll enquire you guys to the best or anything for that fact. I’ll try my best to answer. See ya next time.
So i will post some more regarding milk next and if you have any comments please leave a message or comment at either here or at my e-mail account which is SuggiesIsMyLife@gmail.com and I will immediately respond. For those who live around the Malaysian Peninsular and require to know an exotic doctor send me a message and I’ll enquire you guys to the best or anything for that fact. I’ll try my best to answer. See ya next time.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Sugar Gliders Introduction
Hi, my name is Alya Yazmin Hasnan, and I’ve been a proud owner of two sugar gliders for about 5 months. I am not professional sugar glider expert but I have experienced a few dilemmas every since I owned these two rascals. Such as prolapse, infection: protozoa, lack of appetite, loss of weight and vomiting.
So, if you’re thinking about getting sugar gliders as a pet, here are the most important facts you should consider. First, sugar gliders can make wonderful companion pets – but like any animal, they aren’t
for everybody. In fact, I always tell people that if you’re an “animal lover” – they’re a great pet… and if you’re not - then they’re a terrible pet.
Now here are one of the advantages and disadvantage of owning a sugar glider and it is that, sugar gliders are known to be extremely playful and affectionate. Because of these loving traits, spending time with your gliders everyday is a must. Now sugar gliders are preferably social animals because of that, they tend to live in a colony. So, getting two gliders is better than one however the cost would be expensive. When you own two gliders the amount of time needed to spend time with them decreases.
The ideal time to play with your sugar glider would be about from 20 minutes to 40 minutes tops. but if you own one sugar glider the time needed would be triple the time of owning two gliders or not they will get depressed and eventually - DIE.
So what I am trying to say is that it is better to own two sugar gliders than one and if you have budgeted to get one sugar glider the i would advise you to open back your account book and revise back on that budget and purchase two gliders. Don't worry it may cost a lot of money but at the end og the day it is very worth to have these two adorable animal as your lifetime companion.
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